Great work...
Nice work Dave. This was a great track. It mixes a couple different genres, not an easy task. Coming out with a theme for a BBS club is not an easy feat. I like the fact that it had a lot mixed in, but still had a simple and clear sound. It was not overweighed by extra, unneeded effects.
This has a very original sound to it. I have listened to a lot of audio, but not many are able to pull off this sort of theme. It has a crisp rock base with a new feel twisted through it. It is far from techno, but not the old age metal either. It is something fresh with a lot of potential. Very nice.
If you get the time, I would like to hear you do more with this sort of theme. It has a really great sound and feel. I was able to listen to it a couple times and find new tones and effects. That is a sign of quality. If you can get everything it has to offer on the first time round it can be very repetitive.
Great work Dave, keep it up.