Packed with features...
Great job guys. This was quite a fun game to play. I have always like shooters like this. I was very surprised by how many different ways there were to play the game. This is somthing with serious replay value. Not many games have that anymore. All the options and such really make this game stand out among the others.
I have not had the chance to try all the different ways to play in depth yet, I am looking forward to it though. I have flipped through what is there, just awsome. I would not doubt it took all the time you claimed it did. I will admit that there are a couple things that could be touched up, but they are simply minor.
From the looks of the menus, I think you guys could have done more with the backgrounds. They were simple, maybe could have used a little more detail. It may or may not just distract from the rest of the gameplay though. So a bit of a tossup. At any rate, it was a great game, keep them coming. I'm curious to see what you can do.